Impact of brand positioning and corporate identity on a firm’s growth trajectory
How to convince prospects and new customers in a commercial trajectory? Well, developing the right messaging in order to resonate with your target audience and to differentiate from your competition is a crucial element in your strategic marketing approach. This is exactly where Benny, founder of capitalM, is supporting Mind.
Mind is an autonomous division of Essensium (https://essensium.com/) a marketleader in forklift safety solutions. Mind as a business unit is focussed on embedded software development and open-source consulting projects.
A multitude of marketing tactics was sequentially implemented during the course of this “value proposition project”: a new company logo was designed with completely new colours, a new corporate tagline “an open source of wisdom” has been introduced, the team is now well represented on the new website via authentic photography, a blog section on the website is developed to demonstrate the software contributions to the Linux open source community, etc.
All of this is resulting in increased brand visibility, in the launch of a new customer newsletter, in an increase of social media interactions & LinkedIn engagements, a boost in international business (mainly US-based customers) and many more.
We are now expanding this new corporate positioning into a new, more diversified employer branding approach including job fairs, recruitment leaflet, online LinkedIn campaigns, etc. Stay tuned for more updates!
more info -> https://mind.be/
Want to know how we approached this strategic marketing initiative, contact Benny via email or the contact form!