News / Press
Below you will find an update on the latest articles and postings on sales & marketing
The importance of industry awards in B2B marketing
Benny Van Calster is preparing as guest lecturer the 24-25 academic year…
Preparing the new 24-25 academic year – Lecturer in Marketing at VIVES University College
Benny Van Calster is preparing as guest lecturer the 24-25 academic year…
VOKA celebrating 20y existence of capitalM… 20y interim management/consulting expertise in sales & marketing
capitalM celebrates its 20 year existence with VOKA in Leuven during business event…
New value proposition & corporate positioning developed by capitalM
new corporate positioning delivered by capitalM (customer testimonial)
Guberna certificate achieved by Benny Van Calster to become Board-member
Benny Van Calster achieves Guberna certificate on ‘board effectiveness’ (open to board role – advisory board & board of directors)
Beyond borders – How to build a solid export sales & marketing plan for France?
How to
Participation in symposium ‘Jan Callewaert Innovation award’ at IMEC. Top recognition for a great Leuven-based entrepreneur…
Benny recently participated to the special ceremony event organised to honour Jan Callewaert, founder of Option. This was the kick-off event organised by some friends and ex-colleagues as well as leading innovation institutes in Leuven to celebrate...
Delivering another VOKA sales & Marketing training on “commercial excellence for high-growth organisations”
'Commercial excellence' draait om het aligneren van sales en marketing vanuit strategisch perspectief. Snelle groeiers kunnen zo hun commercieel beleid een echte boost geven ! Expansieve kmo’s die hun commercieel beleid onder de loep willen nemen en versterken, hebben...
Supporting VOKA on “international sales & marketing workshops”
Are you concerned about your international go-to-market strategy (GTM) or international expansion via distribution channels? This is typically the target audience VOKA (chamber of commerce) is targeting in some of their export-oriented programs! Different regional...